Selectron on track
Standstill is regression. With this attitude, Dr. Thomas Fischer and Marco Fanger took over the business management of Selectron Systems AG in 2018. Ever since, a lot has happened in the company about which we would like to inform you.
With the edition "Selectron on Track", you will gain an insight into the Vision 2021+ of Selectron. The sustainable path to mobility can only lead via innovative and established solutions which will replace the proprietary systems in the long term. Due to the progressing digitalization within the railway industry, appropriate solutions are required to protect the infrastructure against unwanted attacks. To this end, Selectron has developed a product range covering the requirements all around cyber security. You as our customer are at the center and Selectron will support you from the idea up to the completion of your projects.
This and further interesting topics await you in "Selectron on Track"!
We hope you will enjoy reading the articles!